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The goodness that can only be found within.

Can we prioritize our inner state? Can we nurture each other from there?

I recorded this video on my sabbath day. Even as I step out in new ways I recognize I still carry a lot of self consciousness, material judgements and fears about “doing things right.” I can feel how this gets in the way of speaking honestly, directly and lovingly. So I thought I’d record what I wanted to share on my sabbath, just for me, with no pressure to perform or perfect.

This is what emerged. While it is not polished it is true and it comes from the heart.

So…..that I may practice what I preach I offer it up as it is, and as I am. And pray it might be useful.

♥️ Sage

Make note that this Thursday during our regular Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful gathering at 7:00 pm Eastern we’ll be having a virtual celebration of communion. I’d love it if you’d join us. All are very welcome.

Request ZOOM link here!

Discussion about this podcast

Worship is Life
Worship is Life
In this podcast I look forward to interviewing fellow humans about the journey of love. What causes love to flourish, what gets in the way?